Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ready to load another ICQ

First I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.  It was very quite and peaceful here in De Soto.

I did take Joyce's bedding material up to Aheintz 57 dog shelter.  I made hubby help me. I did have an ulterior motive, thought he might fall in love with a puppy....but he knew what I was up to and had none of it. 

Amy and her mother was there on Saturday.  When the first arm load came in, they said thanks.  When Terry brought in the second load their mouths dropped just a bit....but when I headed to the door for the third load they were almost speechless. 

Amy is truly appreciative of the bedding material.  They currently have a dog that has parvo in the shelter,  and they just throw away the bedding after a couple of days use.  Some of what Joyce donated will be cut down to be used for him and future puppies like him.  Others will be used in making dogs comfortable during transportation from one shelter to theirs.  I know that all will be put to good use.

BTW they have the cutest little puppies in right now..... I'm just sayin.....

Last week I had several customer quilts....but I am all caught up now.  So later today I will load ICQ 21 on the longarm.  Here is a reminder of that quilt:

Last week at Circle of Friends Trish Snyder caught me before the meeting and made a donation of fabric.  Take a look at this.

The color isn't perfect on this photo....it is kind of a salmon color. The good news is.....
Trish donated almost a whole bolt of this fabric!  More than enough to  be the backing of the quilt that I will be loading today.  Probably enough to back the next quilt after it also.

Thank you so much Trish for donating this fabric!  I promise to put it to good use.

Well I am off to get my miles walked and then to the grocery store this morning.  Then back to working on our next donation quilt.

Have a great day everyone.

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