Thursday, May 17, 2012

Major Donation

Last week when I stopped by open sew for a few hours, Jacque Johnson gifted me some things.  She said that spent a day cleaning up her sewing room downstairs, and this was the stuff that she decided not to keep.
My trunk was empty before I went to Adel.  That large sack is full of batting scraps.  Those scraps will be used in the quilts for Aheintz 57, no kill shelter.  The dogs will enjoy there bedding even if the batting isn't one piece.

This tub is full of fabric of various sizes.  I briefly looked in it when I brought it in and  saw, strips, charm squares and I think layer cake squares in addition to left over yardage of fabric.

This tub is full of remnants of backing material.  You know the stuff you cut off the end of quilt when you are using 108' wide fabric.  But I also think that there are some end of the bolt pieces in there.  So tonight I will go thru this tub and get a sticker on each piece of what the measurements are....trying to keep organized.... LOL.

I know I will have a couple more posts once I start in to the other tub also, so check back.

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