Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feed back please

I received a request from the center to document, in writing, the hours we spend creating our quilts for them.   With the documentation of hours, they can ask for a grant for matching hours for the center.

I have no problem doing this, but they are also asking for your name and email addresses in the documentation.  This I am a little concerned with providing.  I value your participation  in these projects, and do not want to do anything that might jeopardize our relationship.

I can pretty much figure out the hours in each quilt.  Let me know if you do or do not want your names and email addresses put on the  documentation.  Either way is okay with me, if you don't I will just put the hours under an Iowa Comfort Umbrella.

I know that I don't have all of your email addresses. so if you are willing to have your name and email documented on the form please send an email to and let me know the correct information.

I have 7 quilts going to the center on Wednesday, that is when I'll need to turn in the documentation.

Thanks for your feed back.

Until my next post.......

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