Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back from Mexico

And now it is time to get back into a routine.

The goal this week is to work on one twin size quilt, and one or two of the Hope quilts.

To reinforce the completion of this goal, I went to the closet and actually pulled out the tops that I want to quilt this week. 

Here they are:
I really love that it was nice enough to walk outside and get this picture. Yeah spring...well at least for a couple of days.  

I find it amazing what you don't notice until you take a picture of a quilt.  I totally missed the setting of this quilt until I took the picture.  I knew it was a log cabin, but failed to notice the whirly gig setting until looking at the picture.

Then I have these two flannel cuddlies (yes I am making up words now) to work on this week also.

Both of these quilts are so soft and will make someone smile when they receive it from one of our local charities.

In addition to getting these quilt tops quilted, I have a few labels to get on quilts so I can get them donated in the next couple of weeks.

 I have a full week planned out, lets hope that life doesn't get in the way of my plans.

Have a good week everyone!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A call for volunteers!

I received an email from the Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center this week.  They are in need of volunteers this coming week to help with their annual fundraising event.  Volunteers are needed Monday,  Tuesday and &  Wednesday  April 29th - May 1st, from 1-7 or any time in between and Friday May 3rd from 8 -7.  Additionally Saturday May 4th from 8-4.  

They are also looking for someone to bring lunch and drinks for 10 to 12 people on Saturday at 11:00 am.

If you can volunteer for an hour please give Tina a call at 993-4095.

Garage Sale Fundraising Event
May 3rd, 4th
7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Dallas County Fairgrounds – Varied industries Building
From Interstate 80 or highway 6, follow highway 169 north to the Dallas County Fairgrounds on the north side of Adel, Turn left (west) to enter the fairgrounds.
From highway 44, follow highway 169 south to the Dallas County Fairgrounds on the north side of Adel. Turn right (west) to enter the fairgrounds.

This is a fundraising event for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, & homelessness.
There are 3 ways that you can support victims and survivors.

1)       Visit the sale on May 3rd & 4th  and buy a lot of stuff.

2)         Provide a monetary donation to Crisis Intervention
                               & Advocacy Center | PO Box 40, Adel IA 50003.

3)        Donate your gently used garage sale items  and
deliver to the fairgrounds that week Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 9-3. Or call our office and we have volunteers with trailers that will pick up

All donations are tax deductible!
For more information,
please call 515-993-4095 or email support@ciac91.org

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Madelyne and Nancy

A quick little note this morning.  

Madelyne is the youngest member of my quilt circle.  She comes with her Grandmother Celia every month.  I love the fact that she enjoys hanging out with us all, and that she enjoys sewing and quilting.  She finished up three of our pillowcase kits from the community sew day and brought them to the meeting.  Here is the picture the pillowcases:
Here is a picture of Madelyne and her Grandma Celia at Circle of Friends. 

Picture courtesy of http://www.adelquilting.blogspot.com/. Thanks Jackie O for taking the photo, and thank you Jacque J for allowing me to post it here also.

Nancy H. also sent along a completed quilt for donation.  This quilt was completed at our community sew day earlier this year.  Nancy took it how and quilted it on Jo Anne (that would be her longarm) and got it bound.  All that is left to do is get a label on it and we can get it donated on the next delivery.  Secretly hoping that my label dilemma will be solved by the time of this post.
Isn't that cute! We had 30 + of these little kits cut from last fall.  I don't think I have that many of them left to be made.  I should probably thank Bonnie Hunter for the free pattern.  She has several free patterns available at Quiltville.com.

BTW pillowcase total is at 14 now, we are on our way to our goal of 75.

Thank you Madelyne, Celia and Nancy!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The gals from Adel Christian Church have been busy again!

Last week when I went to open sew I brought back home several quilt tops.  All of these quilt tops are the result of the ladies from the Adel Christian Church.  These ladies get together and sew for local charities.  Last year I offered to quilt the quilts designated for Blank Childrens hospital.  

Late last fall I had a large bag of flannel donated to Iowa Comfort.  It just so happened that Donna was picking up a couple of quilts I had finished for the hospital.  Donna made the mistake of saying that she was bored....and I jumped on the chance to offer her the bag of flannel.  My thought was that she could just play with it at her leisure and send completed tops back to me.  We will just say that Donna had other plans.  She took the sack to the next meeting at church.. and the ladies have been making quilt tops for us when they get together.  Margaret has laughingly told me that the sack has been dubbed " the sack without a bottom", as is it seems that all of the tops they have made hasn't put a dent in the volume of fabric still there.

Let's take a look at their latest creations:
 There are actually two quilts like this!  I love the movement in these quilts.  It looks like the butterflies are swimming over  Caribbean waters! (Or maybe that is just me dreaming of my vacation)
 Isn't this top adorable?  I especially like the diagonal row of little hands and feet right down the middle of quilt that merges with  the outside border!
 No doubt that this will be a favorite again!  A quilt with this same fabric was a hit previously.  You can't see it  to well from this picture, but there are little paw prints in the black and white fabric. I have some donated fleece with puppies on it, that might end up being the backing material for this one.  That is if I get brave enough to try it.  I'm pretty sure I have some red flannel for binding also.
The last one brings a smile to my face!  So bright and cheery.  Butterflies, flowers and little birds.  I love the quilt, and yet I know that I would never have thought about putting the two pieces of fabric together.  I am so lucky that these gals have better fabric sense than me!
Last but not least by any means is this quilt.  It is a little bigger than the others and much to my delight is 100% boy themed. (so much of that never ending bag of flannel was girl themed).  I can see the smiling face of the little guy that will get this quilt.  It has all of the sports represented that little boys dream of playing.... and maybe a few that he might not know about.

A big thank you to the gals from the Adel Christian Church, for all of their help; not only for Iowa Comfort but for all of the organizations that you help out!
PS for those of you who are wondering, yes I am on vacation and today I am in Cozumel, Mexico.  We are going to snorkel, shop and have lunch at Jimmy Buffets today.  I love that I can schedule posts in advance. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A little help from my friends

As you ready this I am doing last minute errands before my cruise. Don't hate me, but the weather is suppose to be in the low 80's this week in the Caribbean. When I get back I am really going to focus on quilting the tops that I have ready to quilt.  And I am ready to do it....but there is a problem.

As I am sure you are all aware I do put a label on the back of the quilts.  Last year and earlier this year we (mostly Diane) were creating beautiful labels that were embroidered.  That worked well, but is not very practical now since we are doing over 60+ quilts in a year.  So although they are not as pretty, I have gone to making labels with printed treasures fabric sheets.

So far I am not in love with them.  So I was wondering any of you that are software savvy might take on this challenge.  I am looking for someone to make me a template that can be edited in a software program.  Here is what I am currently putting on the labels:

Iowa Comfort # 98

Pieced and quilted by
friends of Iowa Comfort


I need to be able to edit the quilt number and the year.  I would also love a pretty purple scroll to go around the outer borders of the label.  ( I know I don't want much at all).

When I visualize the label I don't see it as being large.  In fact I think if I could get 4 to 6 labels off of one printed treasure sheets that would be just about right.

Is there anyone out there that has the skills to create this template?  I really don't want to have to ask my techie son for help on this one! LOL.

I would really appreciate the help!  BTW I do have " Office 2010" it that helps at all. (it didn't help me, but maybe one of you will have better luck)  You can leave me a comment here, or send an Email to IowaComfort@hotmail.com.

Thanks in advance for even giving it a thought!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Delivery time again.

Yesterday was a busy day for me.  We had Open Sew in Adel, and I spent the day getting binding on comfort quilts, chopping stuffing for future doggy beds and sewing on a couple of projects.

But before I went to Open Sew I made a delivery to the Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center.  This months delivery had 8 children quilts, 4 baby afghans and 11 pillowcases.

You can find pictures of of all the quilts in the 2013 gallery above, they are quilts 34,57,66,70,71,73,74 & 77.  But here is a picture as I am getting them ready for delivery;

 Won't those quilts bring a smile to some young persons face!  So bright and colorful!  AND SOFT!

Speaking of soft these adorable little afghans will brighten someones life also!  Made with love by Donna.

And I finally got all of the completed pillowcases together in one place.  We have 11 so far this year.  Here is a picture of them before I loaded them in the car.

As you can see we are looking for functional more than exquisite.  The goal is to get 75 pillowcases to CIAC again this year... we are currently at 11.  So if you can help out with this goal it will be greatly appreciated.  It takes a total of a yard of fabric from at least 2 or 3 different fabrics.  Do you have some fabric in your stash that you don't know what to do with?

Next week I am traveling again, I wonder if I can find a quilt shop in Cozumel Mexico???

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Planning my week

Here I go again, making plans for the upcoming week.

I am off to babysit this little boy this morning, 

That's my grandson Owen about a month ago!  He is such a sweet little boy.  I saw him over the weekend and it looks like his helmet might have accomplished its task.  His head has rounded back out, and he should be helmet free very soon! (my generation never had to worry about flat heads, because we didn't lay them on their backs when they slept... but that was a long time ago)

This afternoon I am going to work on getting a delivery ready for the local Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center.  I think I have several child size quilts ready for them.  They will get them to a sister organization for new mothers.  I hope to get them delivered on Friday.

This is going to be a busy week, I have an open sew on Friday, Owen over night on Saturday and on Sunday I have an appointment in the afternoon for a manicure and pedicure before I leave next Wednesday for my cruise.

As of yesterday evening I was completely finished quilting all of my must quilts.... so hopefully I will get an Iowa Comfort quilt quilted  before I go.  I am also working on binding and labels for our quilts this week at night.  I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it will be interesting to see what I can really accomplish.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How's that working out for you?

Ah life is full of lessons!  Over the last year, I think one of the lessons I was suppose to learn was to be flexible.

I am one of those A type personalities  I do very well with my lists.  Each night before I go to bed I create that mental list of the following days goals.

This week I could hear my west coast sisters asking me "And how is that working out for you?"  I had a goal of quilting 6 customer quilts this past week and one Iowa Comfort quilt.

Last Saturday morning I had a glitch in Fonzie, and he was stuck in the perpetual loop.  Of course it happened on a weekend and customer service was out of the office.  Monday morning I called and explained my problem to them..... and I am pretty sure I could hear them scratching their heads.  Because Fonzie is still in beta testing they wanted to try to recreate the problem so they could figure out if it was a random problem or something that was going to need to be fixed in all models.  

I understood that when I bought Fonzie that he was a new product, and that I was a beta tester....but I had six quilts on the books for this week!

No quilting on Monday, so what is a girl to do? I could have cleaned up that mess that I showed you on Tuesday..... not!  Well I did get the batting put away, but the fabric is still all over the book case waiting to be put away.

I decided to tackle my car.  Yes, my back seat has bolts of fabric in them that I took to a charity sew day and never made its way back into the house.  And I thought I only had 1 sack of fabric left in the trunk...that's true but there were also 2 boxes of fabric in there.

I brought one box in to the house and started sorting it out.  Much of the fabric was not cotton, and could not be used in quilts....some of it was even stained.  This kind of fabric gets ear marked for projects for the dog shelter in town.

Large pieces are cut down into smaller chunks of fabric to make dog pillows out of.

I actually cut 8 doggy beds out of that fabric.  Here they are all lined up after I sewed three of their four sides together.  The last side is left open for stuffing.
Here is the current bag, it is only partially stuffed.  All those little piece of left over batting or pieces of fabric that are just to small to quilt with end up here.
And one that is completed.  See how thin that fabric was.... I can see the colors of the stuffing, but the puppies won't mind at all!  

The rest of the box contained smaller poly fabric and chunks of small batting, so I spent some time chopping!
That bag is 3 1/2 foot tall.  My rotary cutter got a good work out that day!  I would cut & dump and then squash down the contents in that bag.  When the bag is full, I have enough stuffing material to stuff 2 pillows.

Tuesday is errand day, so I didn't have a lot of time to worry about Fonzie.  Wednesday I talked to my local dealer and got a loaner.  By 11:00 I was back up and quilting.  

As of 5:00 last night I had 5 of my 6 quilts quilted.  The six quilt I will do over the weekend.   That leaves next week to work on the  Iowa Comfort quilt.  Next week is the week before my cruise... so I have several other things to do....but the goal is to get a twin quilted before I leave!

Lesson of the week?  Be flexible enough to just shuffle the things on your to do list... and it will all work out!

Have a great weekend everyone!

PS.  Customer service did call back to help me out.  I made them wait until yesterday afternoon.  I was quilting and wasn't going to stop until I had that last customer quilt done!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lucy AGAIN?????

Every so often I feel like I am in an I Love Lucy rerun.  I of course am always playing the star role of Lucy, that ditsy lovable redhead. (or at least that is how I think of her)

As you probably all know, I have started a campaign for an add on to my house or a separate building for all things quilt related.  My loving husband, who plays Dezi to my Lucy is really a good sport.  He really takes in stride my creative spirit (meaning the mess that I leave all over the house and everywhere else).  All three bedrooms, or what use to be bedrooms, are now either fabric storage, office or sewing and quilting rooms.  And rarely are they neat and tidy....but I always know where everything is.

Over the past week I have expanded my boundaries within the house.  I have branched out to the downstairs, our main living space... hence the title to this post!

 Several months ago I set up a table downstairs so I could cut fabric or iron fabric at night and still be in the same room as my dear hubby.

Usually this table has a cutting mat, small ironing mat and my iron on it.  Oh yeah and the two kitty pillows that my kitties sleep on at night.

But the bottom picture shows what you see when I come down my stairs....I really need to clean up this area!  I received my batting order and it didn't make it all the way to its storage space ( I cut batting down there on that table also). That tub under the table needs to be gone through to see if I can make any more pillowcase kits out of it.  And that sack of fabric is a sack from my trunk, yes I store fabric there also, that I need to measure, iron and fold. 

I do so love my hubby, he never says a word about my messes (maybe because he knows my response will be "I need an add on") he just took one look at me, and I read his eyes, they are saying "Lucy again?"

I am waiting on a call for customer support for Fonzi (total operator error!) while I'm waiting I am tackling this mess and putting the downstairs back to order.

I have just two weeks before I leave again for 6 days, this time on a cruise.  I have 6 quilts that need to be quilted prior to that departure, all customer or charity quilts...none of these are actually Iowa Comfort quilts.

It is going to be a busy busy couple of weeks!

If any one see's the quilting or cleaning fairy, please send her De Soto for me will you???

Have a great week everyone!