A short little post today.
So much sadness over the last several days. I have stayed away from the computer, and spent time with fabric.
I did manage to quilt two small quilts for Iowa Comfort on Sunday, and I am working on the bindings at night.
Yesterday I did make 10 pillowcases that I will be sending to Connecticut. Such a small thing. I know that the goal was 600.....but I bet that there will be many more than that received. I actually think, given how many places I saw the request, that they will probably receive 10 times their goal.
I heard that project Linus also sent quilts to Connecticut.
I hope that these donations can be a small moment of calm, for those that get them. I know while working on my pillowcases it provided me with a moment of peace.
Hug your family.
I had made eight pillowcases to send to Connecticut. Hope they bring a smile to the recipient's face and add some serenity to their upside-down world.